Teaching & Outreach

Contrary to popular opinion, mathematics is not an isolated pursuit. Even the most introverted research mathematician relies not only on the words of those who came before her, but also on the ears of those who come after her. I take great joy in sharing my love of mathematics, either directly through teaching and mentoring other students in mathematical material, or indirectly through supporting and sustaining mathematical communities.


Teaching at Mathcamp

My most rewarding classroom experiences almost all come from my summers teaching at Canada/USA Mathcamp. For those not in the know, this is a 5-week summer program for talented high school students where most of the classes are designed and taught by graduate students (like myself). Here are some of the classes I have taught at camp over the years, with notes when available.

  • Hilbert's Third Problem
  • Zeta functions over finite fields
  • All aboard the Möbius (analytic number theory) [notes]
  • Polynomial methods in combinatorics [notes]
  • Baire necessities for Banach--Tarski (measurable combinatorics)
  • The Axiom of Choice [notes]
  • The Golay code

Teaching assistantships

Year Courses Institution
2023--24 Observation TA, Introduction to Combinatorics, Topics in Mathematics, Graduate Analysis II University of Toronto
2022--23 Lead Writing TA, Linear Algebra II University of Toronto
2021--22 Math Learning Center, Calculus & Linear Algebra for Commerce University of Toronto
2020--21 Combinatorics & Number Theory University College Dublin
2019--20 Peer tutor in combinatorics & graph theory Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
2017--18 Linear Algebra, Peer tutor in proof writing Ashoka University

Student testimonials

  • "I feel like she is very good at something most teachers here aren’t, and that is really seeing how the class feels about something, and adjusting her class accordingly. I really felt like she was focusing on my success in the class, rather than rattling through whatever was originally in her lesson plan when those two conflicted."
  • "She is really enthusiastic about her classes and was always happy to clarify concepts and answer questions. She motives even the definitions of why they should be defined a certain way. She also asks a lot of questions in class and checks in with us to make sure that we are following what she says."
  • "Great and super helpful! and I like how her classes focus on big ideas rather than covering too much information that can be hard to process."
  • "She is fun to listen to, and has a great way of basically creating a story for the mathematics."


Volunteer work

I have participated in several outreach initiatives by the math department in Toronto---most notably, I was part of their mentorship program for high-school students in 2022. Outside of the university, I have also been a reviewer for the journal Discrete Mathematics on a few occasions. I am always looking for more opportunities to make math accessible, particularly to middle- and high-school students, so feel free to reach out to me to discuss volunteer work!

The Mathematics Graduate Student Association (MGSA)

I have worked with the MGSA in various capacities since I moved to Toronto, and I was elected its first female President in 2023. Since then, I have worked tirelessly to build a sense of community in the department. Some of the initiatives I have worked on are: the Bird's Eye conference, a math conference by and for graduate students; a Math-Physics joint symposium;the department's first Faculty--Student Mixer; and advocating for student interests and departmental meetings.